In the modern world, respect for the life of animals is the main reason for refusing to experiment on them. While it used to be common practice to demonstrate experiments on animals and animal materials in higher education classes, these forms of education are now being eliminated from the educational process, and many universities are introducing new alternative methods that contribute to the development of a progressive humane education system.
The Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design does not stand aside from the issue of humane education without experiments on animals and animal materials, as the university considers ethics and empathy for living beings to be important pedagogical values. For the second year in a row, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design has been cooperating with international non-governmental organizations in this area «Doctors Against Animal Experiments (DAAE)» (Germany) and InterNICHE (Great Britain). The driving force behind this process is Tetiana DERKACH, Doctor of Education (habil.), Professor, Dean of Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutic Technologies, who in 2022 began negotiations on cooperation with Dmytro LEPORSKYI, coordinator of the project «Humane Alternatives to Animal Experiments» ( in Ukraine, national representative of the InterNICHE (, an expert in organic farming in Ukraine (

As a result of the cooperation between «InterNICHE», «DAAE» and the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design within the framework of the project "Computers and Alternatives to Animals", the Department of Industrial Pharmacy of KNUTD received technical equipment, including three refurbished laptops, a new projector and computer programs on physiology and pharmacology from InterNICHE and DAAE, which make it possible to replace experiments using animal materials in the educational process.

Dmytro LEPORSKYI believes that technical alternatives will not only help save the lives of animals, but also improve the quality of education through the use of modern technologies, and the introduction of humane methods of teaching for higher education students will help them understand the need to protect animals and implement the main provisions of the concept of sustainable development in Ukraine.
The staff of the Department of Industrial Pharmacy of KNUTD expresses its sincere gratitude to international organizations for their support. We look forward to further fruitful cooperation!